1. Where can I get help if I have questions about the data, software, archive, or other mission-related issues which are not addressed below?
You can send email to the persion in "expert list" directly. (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/feedback/166.jhtml)
2. How can I find out which targets either have already been or are to be observed by Insight-HXMT?
The targets to be observed by Insight-HXMT can be found on ‘the long-term plan’ page (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/LongPlan.jhtml), which will be updated every AO. The targets observed by Insight-HXMT can be found on the ‘observed sources’ page, (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/ObsSrcList.jhtml), which will be updated every month.
3. How can I find out which targets Insight-HXMT is currently observing or is shortly about to observe?
The targets being observed or to be observed by Insight-HXMT can be found on the ‘short-term plan’ page (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/ShortPlan.jhtml), which will be updated every two days.
4. Where can I find out about the Insight-HXMT Guest Observer (GO) Program?
The announcement of opportunity will be released on the "notice webpage" of Insight-HXMT. http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/notice.jhtml)
5. How do I simulate an Insight-HXMT spectrum for a source, including background?
See the instructions for the spectrum simulation of Insight-HXMT (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/doc/171.jhtml)
6. How does the background and the systematic errors of the Insight-HXMT?
The systematic error of each channel is different, and it also varies with the exposure time. On average, the systematic errors are ~1% (the ratio to the background) for high-energy telescope (HE), ~2% for medium-energy telescope (ME) and ~3% for low-energy telescope (LE). It is worth noting that for HE in the energy bands covered by background emission lines, the systematic error can reach up to ~2%. For more information, please refer to the paper published (link will be available on Insight-HXMT’s website).
7. How do I estimate the effects of the bright sources nearby?
See the proposal software page (http://proposal.ihep.ac.cn/soft/soft2.jspx). The detailed instructions can be found here (http://proposal.ihep.ac.cn/soft/soft2help.jspx).
8. How do I submit a ToO proposal?
The ToO proposals can be submitted on the website: http://proposal.ihep.ac.cn/proposal/08.jspx
Archive and Documentation
9. When and where will Insight-HXMT datasets become publicly available?
According to Insight-HXMT data policy, the Data Proprietorial Period is one year for regular proposals, and three months for pre-approved ToO proposals. These data will be publicly available after the Proprietorial Period. Actually the data release operation is carried out in batches, so the publicly available dates of these data may be delayed by up to a few months after Proprietorial Period. The data from ad hoc ToO observations will be released after three working days normally. All publicly available data can be downloaded from the website of Insight-HXMT.
10. Once data are publicly available, how to search and download?
We recommend all users to register on the Insight-HXMT website. Registered Users can download the publicly available data directly, and can also apply for the data even in the Proprietorial Period, following the Insight-HXMT data policy.
Non-registered users can also download all publicly available data. The user is asked to provide the information about his/her Name, Institute and Email. Then the data URL will be sent by email.
11. Where can I find documentation for analyzing Insight-HXMT data?
User can download the user guide on the website:
12. If the data of the core proposals are not publicly available, can I apply to use them?
If you are a member of the specific core science team, you can certainly apply for the data.
If not, you are asked to find a collaborator in the core science team before applying for the data. You can also apply to be a core science team member.
13. Can I apply non-public data of a Guest Proposal?
Usually no. However, if a user applies these data via website, the application will be sent to the PI of the proposal. A User can also contact PI. It is the PI’s right and responsibility to decide how to best use the data in accordance to the data policy of Insight-HXMT.
Analysis Software and Calibration
14. Which software should be used to analyze the Insight-HXMT data?
Now the version of the analysis software is v2.04, and the software can be download on the website: (http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/software.jhtml). Newer versions will be released when available.
15. What are the known bugs and how should I report a possible new bug?
If you find some bugs of the software, please send the details in email to zhaohs@ihep.ac.cn.
Now the energy ranges must be in the range of 1.5-10 keV, 10-35 keV and 28-200 keV for LE, ME and HE, respectively.
Note: the specific PI for LE, ME and HE could be calculated from the energy by (E-0.1)/13*1536, (E-3)/60*1024, and 256*(E-15)/370, respectively.
16. How can I access Insight-HXMT calibration data?
The CALDB can be download on the website: http://hxmten.ihep.ac.cn/software.jhtml
17. How to run the Insight-HXMT pipeline?
We provide hpipeline task to do analysis for HE, ME and LE. The task can generate cleaned event files, energy spectra, response files, light curves and background files.