XTE J1946+274
Light curves
R.A. = 296.414,   Dec = 27.365
The alternate name or the other band counterpart name of this source:
3A 1942+274, GPS 1943+271, GRO J1944+26, SAX J1945.6+2721, 2MASS J19453935+2721555
The alternate name and the other band counterpart name are obtained from the catalogs of INTEGRAL (Bird et al. 2016, ApJSS, 223, 15)
and Swift (Baumgartner et al. 2013, ApJSS, 207, 19; Krimm et al. 2013, ApJSS, 209, 14).
The data will be updated if this source is covered by the scanning observations scheduled in http://en.hxmt.cn/ObsPlan.jhtml.
Light curve Data
LE 1-6 keV
ME 7-40 keV
HE 25-100 keV